
September News

G’day Gardener!


OzAfrica Sat 23 September

We all walk past the bright coloured cloths and big smiles of our local African community. We occasionally have a chat and sometimes spark up a warm friendship with one of the Rwandan, Sudanese or Liberian locals. But if you want to see the creative culture that they bring to our community then get down to the Croatian Wickham Sports Club on Sat 23 September for OzAfrica.

Be treated to African food, song, dance and much more. Free afternoon festivities start at 12 pm with the big stage on the green and enough fun for everyone.

Ticket only evening event starts at 6pm with three local African DJ’s, Hip Hop, Reggae and Traditional African Music. Evening tickets are $8 or $20/ family.

Working Bee Sun 24 September

Don’t know how much work we’ll be doing after OzAfrica. This one will involve some pure unadulterated gardening followed by the trusty BBQ. Hope to see you there.

Stay tuned for the outcomes from the workshop at the last working bee.

Imported from figtree.org.au
