Grant & Partnership Ethical Charter

We value the community that has come together around our garden. We acknowledge that association with communities like ours has immense value for business public relations. The following guidelines have been established to ensure that the good will of our community is not used to offset other damage caused in the pursuit of profit.We will seek out partnerships which provide for and support:

  1. the development of workers’ participation in the ownership and control of their work organisations and places
  2. the development of locally based ventures
  3. the development of appropriate technological systems
  4. the amelioration of wasteful or polluting practices
  5. the development of sustainable land use and food production
  6. the preservation of endangered eco-systems
  7. activities which contribute to human happiness, dignity and education
  8. the dignity and well being of non-human animals
  9. the efficient use of human waste
  10. the alleviation of poverty in all its forms
  11. the development and preservation of appropriate human buildings and landscape.

We will not accept grants or sponsorship from organisations which unnecessarily:

  1. pollute land, air or water
  2. destroy or waste non-recurring resources
  3. extract, create, produce, manufacture, or market materials, products, goods or services which have a harmful effect on humans, non-human animals or the environment
  4. market, promote or advertise, products or services in a misleading or deceitful manner
  5. create markets by the promotion or advertising of unwanted products or services
  6. acquire land or commodities primarily for the purpose of speculative gain
  7. create, encourage or perpetuate militarism or engage in the manufacture of armaments
  8. entice people into financial over-commitment
  9. exploit people through the payment of low wages or the provision of poor working conditions
  10. discriminate by way of race, religion or sex in employment, marketing, or advertising practices
  11. contribute to the inhibition of human rights generally
  12. sell poor quality goods and services or ‘goods’ with planned obsolescence.